How to add translations from the server that show up on the client
Okay, so I have some json files that are in the following structure:
- translations/
- en_US/
- calendar.json
- calendar_admin.json
- en_GB/
- calendar.json
- calendar_admin.json
- en_US/
I have this code, which scans the translations folder and adds each file under each folder to the translator:
var rootDir = __dirname+"/public/translations", filePath, dirs = [], lang; async.waterfall([ async.apply(fs.readdir, rootDir), function(files, next){ async.each(files, function(file, nxt){ if(file[0] !== '.'){ filePath = rootDir + '/' + file; fs.stat(filePath, function(err, stat){ if(err){ return nxt(err); } if(stat.isDirectory()){ dirs.push(file); } nxt(); }); } }, function(err){ console.log("ln564: ", dirs); next(err, dirs); }); }, function(dirs, next){ console.log("ln569: ", dirs); async.each(dirs, function(dir, nxt){ fs.readdir(rootDir + '/' + dir, function(err, files){ if(err){ return nxt(err); } files.forEach(function(file){ if(file[0] !== '.'){ filePath = rootDir + '/' + dir + '/' + file; console.log("ln579: ", dir); translator.addTranslation(dir, file.replace(".json", ""), require(filePath)); } }); nxt(); }); }, next); } ], function(err){ if(err){ return "whatever"; } translator.getTranslations("en_GB", "calendar", function(data){ console.log("ln590: ", data); }); translator.getTranslations("en_GB", "calendar_admin", function(data){ console.log("ln593: ", data); }); });
The console prints out the contents of both files. However, if I do the same
call on the client, it shows nothing.What am I doing wrong?
Looking at the code, this module doesn't appear to be made for use with plugins.
Also, on the page, when I refresh, it doesn't appear to be translating at all, as the
button isn't translated. But, when the page is loaded via ajaxify, it appears to be trying to translate the calendar stuff, but isn't finding it. The save changes button shows the correct string. - translations/
@psychobunny created the templating system. Maybe he made the translations thingy too?
Yep, he wrote both, although I am positive translation strings should work. They worked for the Rocket theme that was in-progress, so I can't imagine plugins wouldn't have the same benefit...
Check this line out:
Add that, and then
mkdir -p languages/en_GB
, add your language files there? -
@julian okay, that worked for ajaxify, but not for a direct load. Do I need to include some sort of middleware to translate it?
btw, this is an ACP plugin page
The templating system is working, just not translations.
Still haven't fixed this. I think the problem is that the translator is not called by
which is a problem. -
Fixed it in this commit