[nodebb-plugin-sso-steam] Steam/OpenID register/login
@julian i think so.
root@blog:~/nodebb# npm ls nodebb-plugin-openid-steam
[email protected] /root/nodebb
[email protected] extraneous (git+https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-openid-steam.git#3c81e2c58720bd111d1949cadda1e602834616dc)
npm ERR! extraneous: [email protected] /root/nodebb/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-openid-steam
npm ERR! not ok code 0
@julian Thanks for the tips on installing the git version. Now the admin panel options work
@nanoVapor Is there a way to link existing accounts, eg Admins, to their steam account without having to reregister etc. It would be nice for existing users to link to their steam account, then use either their previously registered acc or their steam account for Auth/login. Sorry if this is already answered, and thanks for the Steam auth plugin, great job!
@julian said:
@Radon If your steam email matches the email you used to previously register on NodeBB, then the accounts should automatically merge...
I thought the steam api couldn't give you e-mail information as the API is public. I don't see any e-mail checking in the source for the plugin either. Not to mention the fact that my steam e-mail and my user e-mail are identical anyway ( Even if my node bb account e-mail wasn't confirmed at the time ).
@julian Friend of mine managed to associate the steamID with his existing account by using redis-cli. I believe that all the editing could be done by the plugin author, it just needs to be involved a little more during the registration process and possibly add some items to the profile page to allow association. I don't think this is truly a NodeBB issue. Thanks for the reply though.
Friend of mine
Well, there are actually quite a few issues with this plugin. If you set your steam nick to an account name already existing on the forum, your account gets created successfully. The username:uid and userslug:uid tables, however, get updated aswell, making a click on the profile of the original account redirect to yours and making them unable to login. (See https://github.com/igorprado/nodebb-plugin-openid-steam/issues/9)
Similarly, you can't register if your steam nickname contains special characters and what if you don't want to use the steam name you have at the moment? Some people change their steam name like their underwear.I tried changing it so you get redirected to a new page where you enter your username and E-Mail address if you log in via steam as a new user. However, I have absolutely no experience in JavaScript and I started playing around with NodeBB today, so I couldn't figure out how to add the template properly and how to redirect to that. (And no idea where to go further, too⦠I'm probably not the right guy for this job, yet)
Another issue is the one @Radon mentioned earlier, where there is no way to link your steam account with your account.
Maybe add a little button to the profile? (Should be possible with filter:posts.custom_profile_info, maybe?)
And probably a similar button for unlinking (which admins should be able to turn off, I guess) -
I am getting login errors after configuring steam api
and after that when u click yes sign in i get
http://i.imgur.com/FQ2kAC2.pngCan u look into it . I need this plugin to work real bad for my gaming forum to work
Here is the link http://dota2hub.net/login
You can check it by yourself. -
This is the domain name it is set too
It sends me to dota2hub.net/404
I see u have logged in alright.
Some how my steam id is not able to login.Edit: Created a different ID and i was able to login this is weird
Hi everyone,
I know it's been a long time, but I updated the plugin. Now it works with NodeBB 0.6.x.
The official plugin is:
NodeBB Steam SSO. Latest version: 0.0.9, last published: 10 years ago. Start using nodebb-plugin-sso-steam in your project by running `npm i nodebb-plugin-sso-steam`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using nodebb-plugin-sso-steam.
npm (www.npmjs.com)
I know it maybe remain a few problems with this plugin like special chars on steam nickname, I don't know how NodeBB is dealing with this. I'll try to keep a roadmap to this plugin.
There are 2 plugins listed on NPM about nodebb steam plugin. One was depecrated in favor of the new plugin name. I'll try to update the README of this one. Is there anyway to put a warning message when users tries to install this plugin from NodeBB ACP? Maybe add a warning on package.json... Just a thought.
@julian I discovered within your emoji-plugin package.json the attribute
, is this working correctly? would solve that directly(if I understand that attribute).
Btw: if it's a valid attribute the docs may like an update
Btw2: before updating I'd recommend to pull in my Pull request