Hunting for Moderators for a Music Site.
What's up guys and gals. So, my Drum n Bass / Electronic Music site has been up and running since November of last year, running NodeBB since about June or so and I'm expanding into other genres. One of the main issues I'm seeing with this is that I have no real knowledge of many other genres. I listen to absolutely everything, but I don't know what's current and all that good business.
So I'm guaging interest here, would anyone be interested in running their own category when I launch the new and improved site. I'm aiming to keep it relatively simple, so you'd be running a main genre, you can bring another mod or two with you, but you'd be responsible for them. If you want to run it alone, that's fine, I have a few global mods that I already use for my existing site that can keep an eye on proceedings if you're away etc. I'm still working out the fine print, so don't all jump at once.
If you're interested. You can either send me a chat message here, or send an email to [email protected] with the genre you'd be interested in and some ideas that we can use/i can steal and maybe implement.
Timescale for this is to have it up and running in full swing by November time.
I have dibs on Old School Rap! Just kidding.
Good luck in your search mate. I'm glad to see you reached a decision in whether or not to expand upon the present focus. I wish you the best in your endeavors, and am sure that this will certainly help draw a new crowd, while providing an enhanced experience for your current user base.P.S. Nice tags
Good luck You might find people interested down at TAZ perhaps
@psychobunny said:
Good luck You might find people interested down at TAZ perhaps
I'm not looking for mods to tell me I should be using xenforo or latest vbulletin because "number 1 software eu".
Hahah @meetdilip is down there a lot I think, spreading the word about NodeBB
@julian said:
Hahah @meetdilip is down there a lot I think, spreading the word about NodeBB
Much appreciated good sir.
Changes have been made, if anyone is interested in discussing the musics/bug test the site/offering feedback on the tweaks to lavender/becoming one of said mods etc, then, sign ups are welcomed.
Room for dubstep?