dark mode on mobile?
what is the easiest way to enable the dark mode on mobile? I could not find an easily apparent way...
@baris thanks, unfortunately little bit impractical for our users I guess we will implement @brazzerstop 's method...
[manual] Build a Night Mode for Harmony
Hi everybody, On this tutorial I want to show you, how to create a Night Mode on you're forum, to do this we need use a HTML widget in the Brand Header (glo...
NodeBB Community (community.nodebb.org)
@crazycells the Sudonix version of the theme switcher will automatically detect if the user has dark mode enabled and if so, will apply it automatically.
@phenomlab said in dark mode on mobile?:
@crazycells the Sudonix version of the theme switcher will automatically detect if the user has dark mode enabled and if so, will apply it automatically.
yes, I love sudonix's midnight dark colors too, I will definitely give that try... additionally, it is easier to switch on mobile...
in general, I am against many options though, 2 or 3 would be the best (I think we have discussed this before on sudonix )... it is "paradox of choice"... In short, when there are too many options, people will hardly be satisfied the option they chose.
@crazycells Agree - you can have as many or as few as you'd like though.