NodeBB 3.4.0
Note: Latest stable is v3.4.3
We are back with another release that improves some of the features related to public chats that were added in 3.3.0.
Pinned chat messages
Starting with 3.4.0 room owners and administrators can pin chat messages. Pinned messages appear in a separate area that can be accessed from the room header. You can pin important messages so they can be easily found later.
Better notifications for public chat rooms
Public rooms were sending the same type of notification as private chats so it was hard to tell them apart. 3.4.0 improves this so the name of the room is visible in the notification for public chats.
See who is typing in chat rooms
A feature that was added long ago but got removed during one of our refactors is back. The changes in 3.3.0 allows implementing this much easier.
Chat message moderation
Admins and global moderators will be able to edit and delete other users chat messages.
Muted users won't be able to send chat messages.
Show alert if user's post is going to be queued
This educates new users about the post queue if it is enabled and also discourages manual spammers since they will know their post isn't going to show up in the forum when they submit.
Improved manage user options
We have added the ability to change a users password and email from the ACP and reorganized the manage users dropdown.
Bug fixes & Misc
As usual there are plenty of bug fixes in this release.
Full list of closed issues
Let us know if you run into any issues in our support thread
Very very cool update
@sweetp Yeah forgot to mention that, 3.4.0 has the updated dark sidebar as well
bug alert
when I am at:
I can use the reaction button... however it does not work when I open a chatbox while I am on the homepage...
@crazycells do you mean a chat in a popup window?
@crazycells do you mean a chat in a popup window?
@baris yes.
firefox mozilla 117.0 (64-bit)
Yeah I can reproduce. Issued
@baris yes.
firefox mozilla 117.0 (64-bit)
@crazycells reactions in chat modals should be fixed
@crazycells reactions in chat modals should be fixed
@baris yeap, it is fixed now. thanks.
I recommend add
, when we have 15+ icons in left navigation menu and not big height window size, we can't view all icons.Example:
For now the window height
and have visibility all icons in navbar:
Next we change window height and now we can't view other icons:
we can fix this problem... -
Released 3.4.2 with the above fixes.
@DownPW I think those will be released wit 3.5.0, since all new translations go into the develop branch.
Love it, thank you!
Small bug @baris
I created a chat room and I no longer have the rights to it.
Unable to rename the room or delete users
Obliged to log in with the Admin default account by and to restore my salon owner account to regain rights.
. -
Was this a public or private chat? Does it only happen when you create the room with a non-admin user?