Setup progress indicator makes questions unreadable
Just as an info.
I just installed a NodeBB forum on Heroku and in the setup process the progress indicator was running endlessly and I was unable to read the followon questions.
I had to look into the source code to know how to set the admin user, email and password.The console output look like this:
Confirm Password
warn: No categories found, populating instance with default categories|
Just as an info.
I just installed a NodeBB forum on Heroku and in the setup process the progress indicator was running endlessly and I was unable to read the followon questions.
I had to look into the source code to know how to set the admin user, email and password.The console output look like this:
Confirm Password
warn: No categories found, populating instance with default categories|
@Steffen I had that on ubuntu yesterday when installing with 14.04, I could see the question, but typing the answer out didn't appear, just pressed enter when the info was right and it worked. To add, mine was those icons, but all on the same line, so it was spinning.
I've been getting that on Windows, super annoying. I'll make an issue for it:
Annoying UX. Thanks NPM.