Version 19 of NodeBB
Is there a date when version 1.19 is expected to come out? I realized that there will be many improvements ... For a long time no new version has been released ️
@node-bonbon January 2022
We didn't want to release anything right before the holiday break, but we're wrapping things up for a release soon
An excerpt from Irving Stone’s Agony and the Ecstasy:
During all these months the Pope kept insisting that Michelangelo complete his ceiling quickly, quickly! Then one day [Pope] Julius climbed the ladder unannounced.
‘When will it be finished?’
‘When I have satisfied myself.’
‘Satisfied yourself in what? You have already taken four full years.’
‘In the matter of art, Holy Father.’
‘It is my pleasure that you finish it in a matter of days.’
‘It will be done, Holy Father, when it will be done.’