Post Index ID
The templating system allows for some variables to be use when looping through posts in a topic.
For example, @first, @last
<!-- BEGIN posts --> <!-- IF @first --> <h1>Main Author: {posts.username}</h1> <!-- ENDIF @first --> {posts.content} <!-- IF @last --> End of posts. Click here to scroll to the top. <!-- ENDIF @last --> <!-- END posts -->
The BenchpressJS documentation says that @index @key and @value are available too.
Indeed when you print out @index it will show the index of the post DISPLAYED in the topic, with 0 being the first post displayed on the page.I'm trying to create a modification to my template so that some HTML is displayed after the second post. Therefore my logic would be:
<!-- IF @index == 1 --> Some HTML Goes here <!-- ENDIF @index == 1 -->
It seems that these kind of conditionals can't be used.
So what would be a way to get HTML to render after the Nth post in a topic page (with pagination enabled). -
@eesty mm... that's difficult to say. As you've discovered, you can do
{{{if @first}}}
and correspondingly{{{if !@first}}}
), but more complicated logic is not possible.Why? Because elimination of more complex logic is what makes Benchpress so fast!
It looks like you'll want to use a helper to achieve this... but just in case there is a way, I'm going to ping @Pitaj.
Yeah so essentially what you want is to do is create an equals template helper, here are a couple resources from the past:
And the benchpress docs
benchpressjs/docs/ at master · benchpressjs/benchpressjs
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