strange login route
Hi .. after the succesfull login I get following message:
Not Found. You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the home page.
the url changes from https://sub.domain.tld/login to https://sub.domain.tld/https://sub.domain.tld/ instead of main page https://sub.domain.tld/.
The installation is working really fine expect this issue. After clicking the page logo there no issue. Where can I change the route after login?
Same answer I said here:
Seems like this is a very common issue, that although once explained can be fixed. I think there should be a better way of handling this, why not have the Site URL field in the ACP automatically update the json.config?
Or better yet, remove this dependency all together? remove the line from the json.config and just use the site url setting in the ACP.
I was stuck on this for a couple days, because even though I had the host name matching exactly, the fact that the port number was put there by the installation wizard caused me to get the double URL after login.
Seems like this is a very common issue, that although once explained can be fixed. I think there should be a better way of handling this, why not have the Site URL field in the ACP automatically update the json.config?
Or better yet, remove this dependency all together? remove the line from the json.config and just use the site url setting in the ACP.
I was stuck on this for a couple days, because even though I had the host name matching exactly, the fact that the port number was put there by the installation wizard caused me to get the double URL after login.
@dcook whatever site URL value you are referring to in the ACP isn't what you think it is. The only definition of the site URL is in config.json
Making the URL configurable in the ACP won't help anybody, I gaurantee the same mistakes will be made, but then they won't be about to change the URL because they can't access the site in the first place.
The setup script should probably be more clear about what the url value is, though, so people don't have this issue.
@dcook that's the URL that you get sent to when you click on the site title. That's not the URL of the site.
It exists so an admin can make for instance the title on send you to the main page when you click on the title.
I'm having the same issue: