1.6.0 Breaking Changes
Please see the following issues for breaking changes to plugins and themes.
https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue milestone%3A1.6.0 label%3A"breaking change (plugins)"
https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A1.6.0+label%3A"breaking+change+(themes)"If you have any plugins using any of those hooks/methods, please upgrade your plugin and add
"nbbpm": { "compatibility": "^1.6.0" }
to your package.json.
Here is a list of changes
- signature change for Categories.getTopicIds, method accepts a single data argument now
- signature change for Categories.getPinnedTids, method accepts a single data argument now
- wigdets-refactor, widgets are rendered on cold load now, this is a breaking change for themes please see these changes if you have a custom theme.
where can I find the changelog?
Just an update to those following this post, that NodeBB v1.6.0 has entered the feature freeze portion of the launch as of 31st of August 2017
Code Freeze is schedued for this Thursday (7th of September), with a launch a week later, on the 14th of September.
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