After last restart forum has been up almost 2 days without crash, no plugin has been disabled. Actually I didn't do anything else, just started NodeBB again.
it persists even after disabling it
Yes the problem was with plugin, but my data did not got imported completly, after 57k topics now its impoting only 1 topic in 1 minute. What should i do now ?
@misdigest If they are not compatible with your version of NodeBB then you can either downgrade NodeBB, not use the plugin or try and upgrade the plugin yourself. You could also ask the developer of the plugin if they will upgrade it for better compatibility.
Usually the errors will give you some information on what is causing the problem.
at Object.Soundcloud.init [as method] (/root/misdigestbb/misdigestbb/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-sso-soundcloud/library.js:26:66)
Suggests that the nodebb-plugin-sso-soundcloud plugin is causing one problem
@baris News?
And version for 0.5.5 what are?
Of this plugins.
nodebb-plugin-imgshow .
nodebb-plugin-events .
nodebb-plugin-topic-badges .
nodebb-plugin-sso-instagram .
nodebb-plugin-topic-badges .