Wish I could get into literally anything the way I was into "Magic: The Gathering" in the winter of 1994
Wish I could get into literally anything today the way I was into "Magic: The Gathering" in the winter of 1994
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by jalefkowit@vmst.io
There was a girl on my dorm floor back then who was similarly obsessed with "Magic: The Gathering," and we would play long into the night. Or at least I thought she was similarly obsessed with "Magic: The Gathering." It wasn't until much later that I found out she had actually been trying (and failing, because I'm me) to get me into bed
Nerd courtship is a terrible thing to witness
@jalefkowit I once described to my then-wife some interactions with one of my teenage years female friends, and she (wife) flat out told me “she was trying to get you on a date”, which until that moment had literally never occurred to me.
@mwyman Some "ohhhhh" moments are kinda nice. But that is not one of them
@jalefkowit lololol I love this
@APBBlue On the plus side, it gave me some empathy for the millions of women who every day have to feign interest in their crushes' dumbass hobbies
Obot 50549535 ❄️replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit There really needs to be a manual on how to ask someone for a date.
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to Obot 50549535 ❄️ last edited by jalefkowit@vmst.io
@obot50549535 I eventually learned that a reliable if un-stylish way is to ask the person "hey, wanna go on a date?"
But it sure took me long enough to learn that
@jalefkowit I know way more about way more fantasy series and computer games than I care about.
@APBBlue Somewhere out there tonight is a woman who knows way more about model trains than she ever wanted to. And I feel for her