I want a modulator laptop with no soul.
not batteries and the shitty keyboards -
wat? a laptop keyboard with a battery??
@diedofheartbreak 90% of dirt is shit!
@diedofheartbreak it's not a keyboard, it's a "LapDock!" so it's a keyboard + display that only works while docked to a real computer (or a phone) but IT STILL HAS A BATTERY for reasons that escape me
I have no money and bad keyboards.
why can't I have no keyboards and bad money? wait -
@Novyx do any of those have a keyboard?
I also need 0% network.
No RDP, No VNC, no X11, no fucking IP.Computers are already too fucking slow, I do not want to make them worse by introducing network latency.
@foone You’d still have to graft that bit together if you went that route, as far as I know.
@Novyx at that point I don't really know what I'm gaining over just having a monitor taped to a keyboard
@foone for storing the... uh... settings? idk.
I might just end up duct-taping a small laptop to a keyboard
elegance is for designers, I just need a thing that works
@diedofheartbreak what settings? it's just a monitor and a keyboard!
Like starting with one of these "portable" monitors, then getting a keyboard I can attach to it. That's gonna be three cables, but I can deal with that.
@StellaFoxxie yeah I've looked into that, but sadly because of positioning/walls, it's not really doable without getting really elaborate and way beyond my budget
@foone I just don’t know of small touchscreen monitors otherwise, I suppose, but yeah, basically.
@felipe oh that's cool! How'd you do that?
@Novyx I don't need a touchscreen, just a monitor+keyboard.