Error resetting password
I had a NodeBB forum in maintenance mode for a while, and forgot the Admin password
When its in maintenance mode the reset password doesnt work, it half loads the next page. Console log shows these errorsnodebb.min.js?v=odqakt08d1k:5 error loading forum/503 Error: Cannot find module './503'
and further failed to load resources, 403 and 503 errors etc.
Why does it do this?
Is there any other way to do a password reset, I still have access to the server login -
Access to admin account
There are also two cli commands for this! ./nodebb user make admin for what you and Baris described - giving an existing user administrative privileges ./n...
NodeBB Community (
I tried all 3 options, none worked.
" ./nodebb user reset <uid> to reset the password (<uid> will be 1 for default admin; the command will auto-generate a password and return it, you can also set your own with -p/--password option"So as admin is user 1, attempting to reset the password to newPassword
./nodebb user reset 1 --password "newPassword"
Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading get)
It didnt work! I tried leaving off quotes around "newPassword", which didnt work either.
is it something Im typing wrong. Im bit confused if the -p is alternative to --password (so you use either / or )It did not autogenerate either without any parameter, as says requires --password or --send-reset-email
reset email doesnt work, as although I get email link, the link returns the site closed page!
Turn off maintenance mode via the database
Urgent help How to turn off maintenance through the server
If you can't get into the admin page you can run this from the cli to turn off maintenance mode. db.objects.update({_key: "config"}, {$set: {"maintenanceMode...
NodeBB Community (
@eeeee no, from the mongodb CLI. Look up how to connect to a database and such