how to customize 503 page
If you're using nginx as a reverse proxy you can follow the "Configuring Nginx to use a custom error page" instructions on the following page I think
@phenomlab it applies just as well to any error code
@dunlix have you tried the same steps but just replacing 502 with 503? I think it should work but maybe not.
@pitaj I haven’t as of yet, but I just thought that when NodeBB is online and nginx loads it then it is out of control of nginx. If you constantly reload your page when rebuild and restarting, you will get the 503 page, which is part of NodeBB, then [NodeBB restarts ] you get the 502 bad gateway page (nginx) then the forum loads. If the forum hasn’t restarted yet but is still rebuilding, then I believe nginx doesn’t do anything. But, I will try your solution when I can get a chance.
@phenomlab not sure what you mean, but I got it. There is a file in /path/to/yournodebb/public called 503.html. This is the file that loads, and I think it stays after rebuild. All I wanted was to change it from blue to orange, here is the result:
@dunlix said in how to customize 503 page:
There is a file in /path/to/yournodebb/public called 503.html.
Yes, this is what I meant, sorry !