Forcing UID value
@julian I'm trying to understand how make an hook for getUserDataByField, but pheraps i'm too noob, i write what i've done :
i've added the user create hook in plugin.json :
{ "hook": "filter:user.create", "method": "filterUserCreate" },
than i've added the function to the library lo listen for 'filter:user.create' :
plugin.filterUserCreate = function (data, callback) { data.user.auid =; callback(null, data); };
I've added the whitelist hook :
{ "hook": "filter:user.whitelistFields", "method": "whitelistFields" },
than i've added the function to the library to listen for 'filter:user.whitelistFields' :
plugin.whitelistFields = function(data, callback) { data.whitelist.push('auid'); callback(null, data); };
At this point i've checked and everythings work, on user create i've also the 'auid' fields with relative value, now i need a function to get user data knowing the remote id field 'auid', i've checked in controllers/user.js and i've found 'getUserDataByField' function wich should help me for my pourpose, but it's limited to uid, username and email.
I've begin adding the hook for getUserDataByField function in plugin.json :{ "hook": "filter:user.getUserDataByField", "method": "getUserDataByField" }
than i've begin to adding the filter listener in the library :
plugin.getUserDataByField = function (callerUid, field, fieldValue, callback) { if (field === 'auid') { user.getUidByAUid(fieldValue, next); }
Than i've loose my self
I'm getting confused , i would need to have a function like getUidByEmail but for my added field AUID :
User.getUidByEmail = function (email, callback) {
db.sortedSetScore('email:uid', email.toLowerCase(), callback);
};i need :
User.getUidByAUID = function (auid, callback) {
db.sortedSetScore('auid:uid', auid, callback);
};What i've to do to make that function with a plugin ? I've been able to make it work modifing nodebb source user/index.js , but i don't understad how i can do with a plugin without modifing nodebb core.
@Simos said in Forcing UID value:
Just put it in your plugin.
plugin.getUserDataByField = function (callerUid, field, fieldValue, callback) { if (field === 'auid') { user.getUidByAUid(fieldValue, next); } ... }; plugin.getUidByAUid= funtion(auid, callback) { db.sortedSetScore('auid:uid', auid, callback); };
@Simos require.main.require is preferred:
What i'm doing wrong ? I get error on getUserDataByField :
var passport = module.parent.require('passport'), passportLocal = module.parent.require('passport-local').Strategy, plugin = {}; var async = require('async'); var request = require('request'); plugin.filterUserCreate = function (data, callback) { data.user.auid =; callback(null, data); }; plugin.whitelistFields = function(data, callback) { data.whitelist.push('auid'); callback(null, data); }; plugin.thirdLogin = function() { passport.use(new passportLocal({passReqToCallback: true}, plugin.continueLogin)); }; var db = require.main.require('./src/database'); plugin.getUserDataByField = function (callerUid, field, fieldValue, callback) { if (field === 'auid') { user.getUidByAUid(fieldValue, next); } }; plugin.getUidByAUid = function(auid, callback) { db.sortedSetScore('auid:uid', auid, callback); }; plugin.continueLogin = function(req, username, password, next) { var user = module.parent.require('../user'); var userObj = {} async.waterfall([ function (callback) { if (!username || !password) { return callback(new Error('Il nome utente o la password non possono essere vuoti')); } else {{url:'', form:{username: username, password: password}}, function(error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { const data = JSON.parse(body) //console.log(data); if (data.ERROR == null) { if (data.UNCONFIRMED == null) { userObj = data return callback(null, userObj); } else { //console.log(data.msg) return callback(new Error("Account non confermato.")); } } else { //console.log(data.msg) return callback(new Error("Accesso non riuscito.")); } } else { return callback(new Error('Errore di rete...')); } if (error) { return callback(new Error('Errore')); } }) } }, function (userObj, callback) { //user.getUidByAUID(userObj.uid, callback); user.getUserDataByField('1', 'auid', userObj.uid, function(err, userData) { console.log(userData.auid); return callback(userData.auid, null); }); }, function (_uid, callback) { console.log(_uid); .........
@julian I think his problem is actually that he's not importing the user module from NodeBB:
var user = require.main.require('./src/user');
@Simos please don't use module.parent.require, use require.main.require instead, like I said before.
Yes, you have it in there once, but you should be importing it at a higher level. The way it is, it's only available within that one function, but you use it in a different hook entirely.
@PitaJ said in Forcing UID value:
var user = require.main.require('./src/user');
i've add this, but i've the same error :
2018-11-27T20:31:09.199Z [11960] - error: uncaughtException: user.getUserDataByField is not a function
TypeError: user.getUserDataByField is not a function
at /home/nodebb/NodeBB/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-login-anope/library.js:73:18 -
@Simos ah looks like it's just
Yes! I'm going forward !
Now i can get getUserDataByField function work !
I needed :
var user = require.main.require('./src/user');
var userController = require.main.require('./src/controllers').user;and call userController.getUserDataByField and not user.getUserDataByField
The bad notice is that it work if i use uid :
console.log(userObj.uid); userController.getUserDataByField('1', 'uid', '13', function(err, userData) { console.log(userData);
and it return :
46122 2018-11-27T20:45:39.706Z [12659] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.whitelistFields"} 2018-11-27T20:45:39.712Z [12659] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:users.get"} 2018-11-27T20:45:39.712Z [12659] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.getSettings"} 2018-11-27T20:45:39.713Z [12659] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.notificationTypes"} { uid: 13, username: 'antani', userslug: 'antani', email: undefined, 'email:confirmed': 0, joindate: 1542932961765, lastonline: 1543323019093, picture: '', fullname: undefined, location: '', birthday: '', website: '', aboutme: null, signature: '', uploadedpicture: '', profileviews: 0, reputation: 0, postcount: 0, topiccount: 0, lastposttime: 0, banned: 0, 'banned:expire': 0, status: 'offline', flags: null, followerCount: 0, followingCount: 0, 'cover:url': null, 'cover:position': null, groupTitle: null, auid: '46122', groupTitleArray: [], 'icon:text': 'A', 'icon:bgColor': '#2196f3', joindateISO: '2018-11-23T00:29:21.765Z', lastonlineISO: '2018-11-27T12:50:19.093Z', banned_until: 0, banned_until_readable: 'Not Banned' }
but not if i use :
console.log(userObj.uid); userController.getUserDataByField('1', 'auid', userObj.uid, function(err, userData) { console.log(userData);
it return null
46122 2018-11-27T20:41:57.152Z [12474] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.whitelistFields"} 2018-11-27T20:41:57.158Z [12474] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:users.get"} 2018-11-27T20:41:57.159Z [12474] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.getSettings"} 2018-11-27T20:41:57.160Z [12474] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] {"meta":"filter:user.notificationTypes"} { uid: 0, username: '[[global:former_user]]', userslug: '', email: undefined, 'email:confirmed': 0, joindate: 0, lastonline: 0, picture: '', fullname: undefined, location: null, birthday: null, website: null, aboutme: null, signature: null, uploadedpicture: null, profileviews: 0, reputation: 0, postcount: 0, topiccount: 0, lastposttime: 0, banned: 0, 'banned:expire': 0, status: null, flags: null, followerCount: 0, followingCount: 0, 'cover:url': null, 'cover:position': null, groupTitle: '', auid: null, oldUid: 46122, 'icon:text': '?', 'icon:bgColor': '#aaa', groupTitleArray: [], joindateISO: '', lastonlineISO: '', banned_until: 0, banned_until_readable: 'Not Banned' }
what's wrong now ? the field auid exist and is filled with the right value
I've placed a console.log in my filter , it look it never run,
plugin.getUserDataByField = function (callerUid, field, fieldValue, callback) { console.log('filter running') if (field === 'auid') { user.getUidByAUid(fieldValue, next); } };
It' wrong the hook ? or is not possible ? i've not found it in hook docs
{ "hook": "filter:userController.getUserDataByField", "method": "getUserDataByField" },