Mathjax support
@frissdiegurke Thank you, I will try it and give you a feedback. Actually there is a plugin for nodeBB, called "Katex", but the equation looks not very beautiful....not well arranged.
Re: Mathjax support
Hello again,
do you know where should I insert this:?
$(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(event, data) { console.log(data); // to inspect what is passed back by NodeBB });
This dynamic mathjax is so great:
I am using
to render mathjax script. It works good so far.
$(window).on('action:posts.loaded action:ajaxify.end', function () { MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "content"]); });
I wish this plugin can number the equations and support center locating. Check my page with MathJax: link text. It is very well-organised, the only problem is that you need to refresh the page. I also tested with Katex, looks it does not support with \mathbf{}? -
@sharonyue you put that code in the custom HTML in the ACP inside a
<script> </script>
tag, or wherever you have the rest of your code. -
Hello, I put the following<script> $(window).on('action:posts.loaded action:ajaxify.end', function () { MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "content"]); }); </script>
And it does not work?... I still need to refresh the page to load mathjax.
After I include that script I dont need to refresh page to show the equations. But I still cannot preview equations in PREVIEW panel... Is it possible to do that?
@julian said in Mathjax support:
I tried this:
$(window).on('action:posts.loaded action:ajaxify.end action:composer.preview', function () { MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "content"]); });
Unfortunately it does not work ..
To those who need Mathjax support on nodebb. Now the dynamic rendering works:
- Include this in the header:
<script> window.MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']], tags: "ams", macros: { ra: "{\\rm a}", rb: "{\\rm b}", rD: "{\\rm D}", cell: "{\\rm cell}", drag: "{\\rm drag}", lift: "{\\rm lift}", turb: "{\\rm turb}", rd: "{\\rm d}", buo: "{\\rm buo}", rc: "{\\rm c}", rN: "{\\rm N}", tr: "{\\rm tr}", dev: "{\\rm dev}", mag: "{\\rm mag}", max: "{\\rm max}", min: "{\\rm min}", rleft: "{\\rm left}", wall: "{\\rm wall}", outlet: "{\\rm outlet}", inlet: "{\\rm inlet}", rright: "{\\rm right}", own: "{\\rm own}", nei: "{\\rm nei}", exp: "{\\rm exp}", rq: "{\\rm q}", rref: "{\\rm ref}", rE: "{\\rm E}", bfH: "{\\bf H}", dpm: "{\\rm dpm}", rT: "{\\rm T}", rP: "{\\rm P}", rgh: "{\\rm rgh}", rL: "{\\rm L}", rR: "{\\rm R}", Kd: "{\\rm Kd}", rr: "{\\rm r}", rW: "{\\rm W}", bfU: "{\\bf U}", bfh: "{\\bf h}", bfHbyA: "{\\bf HbyA}", bfS: "{\\bf S}", bfg: "{\\bf g}", bfT: "{\\bf T}", bfV: "{\\bf V}", bfd: "{\\bf d}", bfI: "{\\bf I}", bfK: "{\\bf K}", bfA: "{\\bf A}", bfn: "{\\bf n}", bfR: "{\\bf R}", bfM: "{\\bf M}", bfx: "{\\bf x}", bfX: "{\\bf X}", bfF: "{\\bf F}", bfq: "{\\bf q}", dt: "{\\Delta t}", p: "{\\partial}" // this macro has an optional parameter that defaults to 'x' \ddx[t]{y} }, autoload: { color: [], colorV2: ['color'], verb: ['verb'] }, packages: {'[+]': ['verb']} }, options: { skipHtmlTags: ["<pre>","<span>","<code>"], ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore', processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process' }, loader: { load: ['[tex]/verb'] }, startup: { ready: () => { MathJax.startup.defaultReady(); MathJax.startup.promise.then(() => { console.log('MathJax initial typesetting complete'); }); } } }; (function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; script.async = true; document.head.appendChild(script); })(); </script>
- Include the following to Javascript
$(window).on('action:posts.loaded action:ajaxify.end action:composer.preview', function () { MathJax.startup.defaultReady(); MathJax.startup.promise.then(() => { console.log('MathJax initial typesetting complete'); }); });
are you able to render $\sqrt{2}$ ? -
Screenshot of the problem : -
@abhinov-singh It works at my site. What did you put in your CSS?
Can you please tell me the steps forhow to use Mathjax on NodeBB
I will follow that strictlyThanks in advance
@abhinov-singh Please see it here: You simply needs two steps. Please try it and give me a feedback.