Why did you choose this name?
It's pretty straightforward thought.
phpBB === PHP Bulletin Board - one of the major forum platforms out there using PHP.
So since NodeBB is using Node.js you can figure it out -
An interview with Andrew Rodrigues, Julian Lam and BarΔ±Ε Soner UΕaklΔ±:
"I guess the NodeBB name is kind of a tribute to phpBB from a lot of fond memories in that space."
If you were to rename NodeBB, what would your idea be?
Not saying that we've been considering rebranding, but just saying
I think NodeBB is pretty good since its a special kind of branding. People will always think "NodeBB" when they think forum programmed in node.
Other interesting names for a bulletin board that I've thought of in the past though are SlickBB(this was one I tried to build on my own but never ended up releasing), TheBB, BulletBoard, Digest, Conclave, Convention, Concourse(why hasn't this one been used?), and Audience.
@psychobunny said:
If you were to rename NodeBB, what would your idea be?
Not saying that we've been considering rebranding, but just saying
I was thinking that if I was in your place, What is the name I chose?
Because this name is nice and smooth, but I do not get a sense of speed Or sense of a better future ! -
It's a pretty slick t-shirt