Help Translate NodeBB!
@a_5mith said:
@x01dev Not really, because you're not duplicating the topic. You're taking off topic posts from one topic, and forming a new topic with those off topic posts. I'm not entirely sure that Fork is the correct term to be used here:
"Fork" in the meaning of "to divide in branches, go separate ways" has been used as early as the 14th century.[2] In the software environment, the term "fork" entered computing jargon around 1969 with the Unix mechanism by which a process split in two by forming an identical copy of itself.
Forking a topic here doesn't create an identical copy, it's a split, other forum software uses "split".
Perfect. Thank. Now I understood.
Update 00:05 : Italian is completed.
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Swedish should be 100% now! Trying to keep it up-to-date
Swedish is once again at 100% Boring to translate but done is done
Not many swedes here but if you see something wrong, send me a PM an I will fix !