Bright light! my eyes!
dat new theme
Hahaha, surprise!
Perhaps we should release a complementary dark theme as well. Don't worry, we're just entering final round of testing for Lavender (with live fire trials on this community!
), so it won't be default for new installs until 0.3.1 perhaps.
Haha yeah I felt like category boxes should be #333 but somebody beat me to it
-, im making a dark css theme atm with neon blue
First: Congratulations on the release of 0.3. Looking forward to 0.3.1, then 0.5, then 1.0.
Regarding Lavendar, I think if the category boxes show the same number of posts, it will make the home page less harsh visually, that is, aside from the very bright color.
Haha yeah @baris was qqing about the uneven columns, might be able to do some magic to make them even
Yep, evenize the columns, give every page a sidebar, and we have a winner.
The signatures text needs to be smaller or italic or ... different,
every-time I read any of @planner posts, I click on that link.
Roll with me
And #333 category boxes imo
I think the best option would be to show it only on mouse over, Too many signatures on a topic page can be somewhat distracting, especially if they contain images. On that note, it will be really nice if the admin has the ability to disable signatures for all but the admin or a select group of users.
Infinite scrolling not working on mobile. (I'm assuming desktop works coz I can see you guys replying haha)
Edit: nvm works probably hit a lag spike damn you wind mobile
if you have a big signature like yours though, the post will have some awkward amount of padding below... so I guess that would work only if you restricted it to one or two lines maybe.
edit: also, you signature hog!