Quiet browser history?
Scrolling through large topics generates a lot of activity in my browser history. I'd really like to be able to make that not happen. Looking at the code, I found evidence that this is possibly supported:
NodeBB/public/src/ajaxify.js at 9361ff07729bb6524752079fb5b4feb173d7d458 · NodeBB/NodeBB
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - NodeBB/public/src/ajaxify.js at 9361ff07729bb6524752079fb5b4feb173d7d458 · NodeBB/NodeBB
GitHub (github.com)
...but I can't find any setting in my profile or in the admin controls to change this.
scrolling down creates multiple history entries · Issue #3621 · NodeBB/NodeBB
scroll down in a topic and the url changes to update the post index. it creates multiple history entries in chrome
GitHub (github.com)
Not sure there is a fix. Calling history.replaceState() creates new entries in the history instead of replacing. Although it works properly when you click back.
The main point here is that every time we modify the url to add the post index, it is a new resource, even though in reality, the end result is really the same.
We can't fault the browser for adhering to the spec, though I honestly don't know if we can resolve this one.
Here we change the url as you are scrolling, as opposed to recalculating the url when scrolling is finished, but besides that...