Loading notifications
Is it normal to see the "Loading Notifications" constantly, without being able to see the notifications? I am getting notified, just can't load them on the menu. Clicking on "See all notifications" works.
This should have been fixed recently, can you post your core hash and theme version?
@psychobunny said:
This should have been fixed recently, can you post your core hash and theme version?
I am not running NodeBB yet, I am experiencing that behavior here. It is happening right now, as I type this.
Can you try clearing your cache? (ctrl-shift-delete or ctrl-f5). It was broken for a brief period last week but should be okay now
@psychobunny I just reset the browser completely. No dice.
I'm seeing this too, both here on this forum and also on my testing install running the current master branch.
Haha my bad. Forgot to update the community forum
@psychobunny said:
Haha my bad. Forgot to update the community forum
Wheyyyyyy. Can always count on you buddy.
@Flarum-Türkiye are there any errors in your browser console or in the nodebb logs? Have you tried a rebuild and restart? What plugins are you running?
@PitaJ yes I guess it happened after installing the imgur plugin. However, uninstalling the plugin did not solve the problem.
I had installed this plugin.
https://community.nodebb.org/topic/748/nodebb-plugin-imgur-imgur-pluginimgur plugin works flawlessly. I can't see any errors in the browser console.
Do after clicking on the chat or notification icon, you don't see any errors in your browser console? What about your nodebb logs?
Have you tried stopping, building, and starting nodebb from the command line?
It may not be the imgur plugin. You don't need to uninstall plugins to check, just disable them, then rebuild and restart.