NodeBB development environment (IDE - Tools - Configs etc)
Looks like webstorm is starting two node processes.
Old but could be relevant.
@a_5mith @pitaj thanks for your replies. In fact i found a very similar issue on the webstorm issues:
I think this case is very similar to the one i'm facing. I'm trying to reproduce the error on console, and even i'm not able to, i would swear that i have seen the same error on console yesterday :S.
Could be possible to disable the minifier process during the startup of the debbugger? I suppose is started from nodebb engine, isn't it?
I'm referring to this process: /usr/bin/nodejs --debug-brk=49749 --nolazy --debug minifier.js -
I would love a solution or a workaround because I've been trying for a couple days to try and get this working. I just want to be able to debug NodeBB's plugins and core components
PS. I've tried WebStorm, node-inspector and strong-cli. I've tried them all with latest node.js and also version 0.10
@agarcia17 do you get the EADRRINUSE with all of them?
Anyone could provide any details, guides or something related to debug node.js applications using mentioned tools or different ones? What about expecifically nodebb? How do you debug your plugins/nodebb developments? Do you only use logs or use another kind of tools?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using PHPStorm/Intellij Ultimate and the only way it seems to work for me (on Windows, can't remember if it worked on OS X) is to use a remote Node.js debugging session. If I don't do this, it get's stuck on the minifier stage.
Here is my run configuration and there is my remote debug configuration. These are configurations in a plugin project so this only allows your to debug your project files. To debug NodeBB modules you have to run/debug from the NodeBB project.
After that you just run the Run configuration and debug the remote debug configuration when needed.
FYI: Visual Studio Code worked with debugging right out of the box.
@agarcia17 thanks, will give it a try.
@agarcia17 i've just tried with visual studio code 0.3.0 and nodebb master on commit 96526a37a3cd64a866f3fc14a71cc327234d9a7d. And i'm getting the same EADDERINUSE; maybe could you point something I miss?
I've been struggling with this all day and no luck.
Even when I run from the command line I still get the error: -
Sorry for bumping this up, but i haven't managed to get any of the suggested debug tools working with nodebb.
Has someone managed to use them recently? Any help?