Uploaded avatars do not show up in email digest
I have noticed in our email digest, the avatars of those people that have uploaded their own image to the forum (instead of using gravatar) does not show up:
In this case the image seems to be pointing to this location:
where in fact it is located here:
http://community.kamloopsmakerspace.com/uploads/profile/24-profileimg.jpgLooks like it is a problem with absolute/relative path for the
attribute of the image.Is this a known bug, and do I need to report it against mandril plugin or nodebb?
Yes, it showing me alt tag but sometimes it shows me broken images and alt tag both for example:
In this case, the image seems to be pointing to this location:
<img style="vertical-align:middle;width:16px;min-height:16px;padding-right:1em" src="https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/eBkkTWd9R0xVTXFAFXMUPj-95JsdcP2j3XFbLhsjSXbpDXU1BRmcx15AvHxe50LPrOv4NczWbCHSUx2ElirgyzgRu_a4pbJknjMNe7xhp4Bv=s0-d-e1-ft#http://stag-csio-forum.com/uploads/profile/8-profileimg.jpg" title="hitesh.baldaniya" class="CToWUd">
where in fact it is located here:
http://stag-csio-forum.com/uploads/profile/8-profileimg.jpgso how I solve this. I am working on NodeBB0.6.0 and NodeBB0.7.0 .
No, I am not running any proxies. why https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/eBkkTWd9R0xVTXFAFXMUPj-95JsdcP2j3XFbLhsjSXbpDXU1BRmcx15AvHxe50LPrOv4NczWbCHSUx2ElirgyzgRu_a4pbJknjMNe7xhp4Bv=s0-d-e1-ft#http://stag-csio-forum.com/uploads/profile/8-profileimg.jpg this kind of link created in digest?
@suraj @julian - Technically not client related - this is gmail related. The googleusercontent thingy is a image serving proxy on gmail. One of those things you have to sort of live with.
Try testing with a non-google imap client (perhaps outlook / thunderbird) I know it works on google hosted email accounts - custom domains which use the gmail service. I have not tested third party imap clients with a default @ gmail account - sorry.
@KasparTr the problem is caused by opening the emails in Gmail. Open it in other services and the image may not be proxied.
@KasparTr does it work on other email providers, though? It could just be that there is some kind of bad thing happening between Gmail proxy and the NodeBB thing. It could be that it doesn't work at all. I suggest testing it with hotmail or yahoo.
@KasparTr I don't know what's causing it but I think it has something to do with the pound sign in the URL