Who is using NodeBB?
looks great
looking gr8
@mootzville I recognize that plugin
@mootzville Awesome! Contributors are always welcome
Here is short list of what has been done on the forum:- our new theme is based on Vanilla (completly NEW design)
- transliteration hack for russian urls
- new buttons in front-end composer-editor
- our own user custom information plugin
Forum was made for support of our main project - portal Homo Info - set of esoteric and astrological online services that helps a person to learn more about oneself, to make his life better. Currently our website is on russian languague only, we are working on english version.
Our website was written on NodeJS, CoffeeScript with MongoDB and MySQL. -
@KotoWolod Wow congrats! I would have found it hard pressed to believe it was NodeBB if I was to stumble upon it randomly over a search engine
A forum for crypto-currencies. I have changed a lot of the home theme & added the subcategories on home page.
I am also doing "sections" with css (:before). Could it be possible to do that with a plugin ?
This new version is gaining some traffic (with a max of +50 users online 1 day ago), it might become interesting if it become a highly used forum with +1000 users
Trang chủ - TPC App - The Poweful Connection
TPC APP Kết nối các thế hệ Cựu học sinh Chuyên Trần Phú Hỗ trợ bạn trong mọi bước đi từ khi bước chân vào cổng trường Chuyên Trần Phú. Xem Demo Tổng số tiền được tài trợ 1000000 VNĐ Số tiền cần được tài trợ (250.000.000 VNĐ) 19.1% Quỹ triển khai TPC APP Cùng...
TPC App - The Poweful Connection (chuyentranphu.com)
A forum for the students in a gifted high school.
We are a small gaming community using NodeBB. We are still in the process of migrating from an old PHP forum, so the site may seem a little scarce.
I have not extended the forum platform much (yet). There are many things in my TODO list--such as develop a kickass gaming theme--but since I work two jobs I feel pretty good about getting the site up and running.
If there are any gamers reading this (LoL, WoW, Minecraft, MtG, Hearthstone, etc.) come check us out. We could always use more members!
Just installed and configuring it right now : looking awesome so far! We're going to use it as our backup software users forum.
http://www.vsquarebackup.com/forum/ -
@ffmad said:
A forum for crypto-currencies. I have changed a lot of the home theme & added the subcategories on home page.
I am also doing "sections" with css (:before). Could it be possible to do that with a plugin ?
This new version is gaining some traffic (with a max of +50 users online 1 day ago), it might become interesting if it become a highly used forum with +1000 users
new version of the forum (with sub-categories new message, and other little things)
Yeah, blue notifications too, not very visible but i liked it :x
We're a mature Minecraft community from Germany and started using NodeBB ~2 months ago.
https://hanasu.meI'm also using NodeBB for another project (community website for the city I'm living in). But I'm not done with that yet.
http://unser-schleswig.de -
Galaxy Graph new version is out and using NodeBB. Custom theme made during these past months, thanks a lot to all the people that helped me
@esiao I love it! I signed up too. Hey you may want to check the headers when scrolling. They aren't smooth and are bit choppy on Chrome (mac) unless this was intended? Otherwise, its very nice!
@trevor yes I think I need to add some transitions but it won't be really smooth. I've take a look inside smoothscrolling via mousewheel.js but didn't manage to do what I wanted.
Hope you won't get lost the community is happily spamming in french right now xD -
Google Translate ftw