Downgraded to 1.0.2 aswell, works like a charm now.
502 bad gateway -
502 bad gateway@rod Alright, thanks for your time anyway. Yeah I've looked into every possible scenario with someone else aswell, but we can't find out what it could be either. Will have to wait I guess
502 bad gateway@rod No, I'm only running the forum on my Linux server, so besides NodeBB only Nginx, MongoDB and Redis.
NodeBB 1.0.3 -
502 bad gateway- 3GB DDR3 RAM
- Dual core
- 2.8 GHz
- 500 GB Hard Drive
- Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
- MongoDB for storage, redis for clustering
- Nginx as webserver
- A default tenant that's a reverse proxy to another server, and a tenant for the forum (which is a reverse proxy to nodebb)
502 bad gateway@rod I've done that, only shows request but after some time it "crashes" without an error.
502 bad gateway@rod Yeah, I've been testing all plugins I'm using, one by one, but even when I have only 2 activated I still encounter this problem. Only if I keep like one plugin running the website works fine for maybe a few more hours, but still goes offline after a while.
502 bad gatewayI have the same problem, hosting it on my own Linux server. Pops up out of nowhere, seems like NodeBB stops running.