I love to be criticized by people who've literally done nothing to help the fediverse evolve,
NetworkManagerreplied to dansup the creator last edited by
@dansup @cybertailor that's it, i'm disconnecting you
it's for your own good
@dansup @pixelfed @loops @fedidb @supapp
Whenever someone reaches instantly to interpersonal conflict and mindless cynicism or even smearmongering in their interactions with you, there's no point in engaging
Sometimes you feel like you have to engage because they come up with some insanity based claim on your character motivations or actions. Calmly briefly refute them then block
Don't continue interacting because then they get the idea they can get a reaction from you which is all they want
@dansup @cybertailor “You would too if you were in my position”
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