I love to be criticized by people who've literally done nothing to help the fediverse evolve,
@dansup @cybertailor i am a designer, i just was focused on reverse engineering first of all, because you refuse to open your project, lol. your apps still dont work!
fediverse.info isn't open source
@loops isn't open source
@fedidb isn't open source, the graphs are covered in watermarks and i can't seem to find a license for the data.
surely opening your code and data would be like the bare minimum before you make delusional claims along the lines of "being dedicated to the fediverse" and continually boasting about your accomplishments that are "openly available to the whole fediverse"
@beacondb @loops @fedidb They are but I do need to make the source more visible I agree https://github.com/fedidb/fedidb-ce
@dansup five commits titled "wip" from three years ago is source code?
@h @cybertailor As I explained countless times before, the backend and frontend will be open sourced when they are stable.
Btw, despite all this non-productive banter, I think there still remains an opportunity to work together, and if you are interested, I believe this project is bigger than either one of our egos, and can put this all aside for the community, but I'll leave that up to you.
I've never said anything disrespectful or untrue about you, and this is bigger than us both.
@dansup flat out lying, the deployment that's actually live on fedidb.org seems to be deployed dec 3 this year.
@dansup @cybertailor you absolutely have disrespected me, and i know there’s far better opportunities for me than this. i’m not working with you
@h @cybertailor While you can understand why I stood up for myself, despite all this, you are acknowledging that you have no interest in contributing to Loops despite our egos and personality clashes?
That would be unfortunate, but I understand and respect your decision.
@beacondb The issue is I'm using a paid theme for the current version, so I have to rewrite it with an open source one to not violate any licences.
@dansup @cybertailor that's it, i'm disconnecting you
it's for your own good
@dansup @pixelfed @loops @fedidb @supapp
Whenever someone reaches instantly to interpersonal conflict and mindless cynicism or even smearmongering in their interactions with you, there's no point in engaging
Sometimes you feel like you have to engage because they come up with some insanity based claim on your character motivations or actions. Calmly briefly refute them then block
Don't continue interacting because then they get the idea they can get a reaction from you which is all they want
@dansup @cybertailor “You would too if you were in my position”