"The Trump campaign knew that men were his ticket back to power, and it targeted them—pointedly young men, and men of color—with a sophisticated campaign of grievance and disinformation.
@Nazani You couldn't be more right. So many now get "information" from online videos and soundbytes. The loss of interest in reading, in reading actual books, is very disturbing to me.
Peter Brownreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy  basically all he has done is fed off xenophobia and division- between races, between nations, between languages, between faiths, between genders and amongst different kinds of gender.
I suppose that means he is a fascist white supremacist . -
@Newcanuk @JustRosy You'll have to point me to the statement you claim to be quoting in this thread, "They're stupid."
Do people make stupid decisions sometimes? It seems self-evident that they do, and that the "they" includes ourselves. Should we recognize that our stupid decisions create problems for ourselves and others? I don't see how we can learn otherwise. Is a healthy society one in which we all pretend ignorance is preferable to knowlege? Some folks may think so. I don't.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Peter Brown last edited by
@peterbrown I agree.
@Paxil Well-stated.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by [email protected]
"For men, Trump represents 'hegemonic masculinity,' the exalted position of men at the top. In this view, aggression, control and dominance are all admirable traits and highly socially valued."
~ Ashley Morgan
#Trump #men #women #misogyny #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy #YoungMen #TheoBros #Catholic #JDVance #manosphere
/6 -
Mastodon Migrationreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by [email protected]
No treatment of this subject is complete without mentioning Carole Cadwalladr's prophetic piece from back in July:
Edit: For which, by the way, she was excoriated by the usual suspects as a conspiracy theorist yada yada yada...
davidpmaurerreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
here we see the obese (and ancient) orange ape in his natural habitat: surrounded by sycophants.
@wdlindsy Crimethinc has rad analysis about how Democrats continuing move to the right while coopting or attacking movements for freedom is a part of why they lost. Still, misogyny is the core of this current wave of fascism.
History Repeats Itself: First as Farce, Then as Tragedy
In many ways, the Democrats are responsible for Donald Trump’s return to power. Let's explore why.
CrimethInc. (crimethinc.com)
@wdlindsy I guess we now have a companion to "Some are more equal than others."
The meritocracy should rule. But, of course, men should be assumed to have more merit than women.
@i_gvf That's the logic of it — so-called.
@HeliosPi I agree: misogyny definitely is the core of this current wave of fascism. Well-noted.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to davidpmaurer last edited by
@davidpmaurer For sure.
Blame should also fall on parents. You don't become voting age without parental influence, whether that's indoctrination or abdication. Parents need to be involved, teach their kids to be decent, and be active in their hobbies (including their viewing habits). Hate is taught, and if you want to stop it, you have to be engaged in their lives to steer them away from it -
@bhcompy Yes, I very much agree.
@wdlindsy Thankyou. Here's two relevant essays about misogyny in fascism, how the "manosphere" on the internet, from Gamergate in 2014 on, led many to fascist politics, and a need for a recognition of women in anti-fascism as a rejection of manly saviour complexes.
Anti-Fascism Beyond Machismo: Gender, Politics, and the Struggle Against Fascism
https://itsgoingdown.org/anti-fascism-beyond-machismo-gender-politics-and-the-struggle-against-fascism/Misogynistic terrorism: it has always been here
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17539153.2022.2031131#abstract -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
@mastodonmigration You're right, a must-read article to which I keep returning. I just finished her novel The Family Tree and thought it was first-rate. In some ways, it's a slog through the misogynistic culture of the last several decades, which she sees with a clear eye.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Naomi Beinart, who's 16, describes what it was like to go to school the day after the election, as her female classmates were covered in a "blanket of despair" and the boys in her class sat playing Minecraft on their computers.
She writes,
#Trump #men #women #misogyny #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy #YoungMen #TheoBros #Catholic #JDVance #manosphere