Write api inserting/updating tags doesn't work
Hi guys,
so the thing is everything was working with the write api so far, topics,posts etc., but I can't insert/update a post to add tags into it. I'm trying to solve this problem all day because I thought it's an issue in my code at first but it seems that it's a bug.
I've tried:
/topics POST inserting the cid,title,content,tags(and yes It's an array)(only the topic showed up with all the data except tags, with no error),
/topics PUT with pid,content and tags(again no error and no tags, the content was updated)
/posts PUT:pid with content,tags (again content was updated, still no tags,no errors)
I'm on NodeBB version v1.1.2.
Thanks in advance!
@Tilen-Štraus Confirmed working, can you please post your
statement to debug?Perhaps you can compare with mine
curl localhost:4567/api/v1/topics -H "Authorizatin: Bearer my-token" -X POST --data "title=test%20api%20topic&content=test%20content&cid=1&tags[]=one%20tag&tags[]=two%20tags"
Thank you for the quick answer @julian!
I've tried your curl code and it works fine. The problem was that i've been using the wrong property('tags' instead of 'tags[]'). Now i'm getting a new problem when inserting an array [LJAVA.LANG.OBJECT@695575B6. Does he expect something else instead of the array? Here is my code for better understanding:var sub_cat_id = "146"
var t_title = "test title"
var t_content = "TESTESTESTESTEST";
var cars = new Array("Saab", "Volvo", "BMW");var headers = {"Authorization" : "Bearer XXX"};
var url = 'XX/api/v1/topics/';
var data = {'cid' : sub_cat_id,
'title' : t_title,
'content' : t_content,
'tags[]' : cars
};var options = {
'method': 'post',
'headers': headers,
'payload': data
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
Logger.log(response);I just tried almost everything
JSON.stringify-gives only one tag with all of the values in the array. I srsly don't know what to do
Thank you again.
Look at this js example:
var settings = {
"async": true,
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "http://./api/v1/topics/18/tags",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"authorization": "Bearer ",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"data": {
"tags[]": [
}$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
});2 things to consider:
- content-type
- tools to transform array to querystring - in my case jQuery will transform it to this - tags%5B%5D=closed&tags%5B%5D=test
Works now, i had to JSON.stringify()the data variable, set te contentType to "contentType" : "application/json" and 'tags[]' to 'tags'.
Thank you all for helping
Works now, i had to JSON.stringify()the data variable, set te contentType to "contentType" : "application/json" and 'tags[]' to 'tags'.
Thank you all for helping