Good names for a community?
Try finding a name, but not of names, but of a concept. What brings together all those three for you and your community?
For example, If I wanted to make a community for pokemon lovers and Naruto lovers I think I could call it Missigno Filler or Shinobi Trainers.
I would also keep the name short. Intentionally short. e.g. 9gag, Xchan, e-hentai ,35hz, etc.
HSam has some good advice. Your should probably find something a little more specific than general games music and movies for your forums theme. Once you have that your domain will also become more specific, which tends to make it better.
Like for people who enjoy eating pizza. for a forum of people to discuss mostly new AAA games they play (ok, this isn't really general enough is it?). You can still have chat about other subjects on your forum, but the problem with making it too general is just that... whats the point?
Find a point for your forum. Then find a name.
I guess that a litte more focus on Games Would work
hejgames dot com and muspelet dot com (Muspelheim) if your profile is truly yours.
- In that case it would be in swedish (Hellogames). Sounds kina crappy to me
Am i right or right!
I think I will tryout the new 1.0.0 for my new community when I found a good name
Yeah, you're right. As we all know only similar domains can be taken. For example sisu + games = sisumes. But you're not from Finland or Estonia.
Forum is located at @PitaJ , @a_5mith, @HSam, @HolyPhoenix, @nhl-pl
The Name
We have taken the name UEX for our community with discussions about games, movies and music. The name could stand for
- User EXperience
- Ultra EXperience
- United Entertainment X
- Ultra EXtreme
- User EXperiment
- Ultimate EXperience
- Ultra EXtensive
More ideas are welcome. English is not my native language so maybe someone can help out here. hard to find words that start with U, E and X and mix together
The Logo
I am not good when it comes to making graphic stuff att all. If someone here likes colors and stuff, feel free to give my projekt a
contribution -
@qgp9 Thanks @qpg9 but the domain is already chosen ( Now its more a what it stands for and a logo
When I have changed forum logo most users did not notice any change. I believe you can go with something simple and after some time invest money in logo by graphic designer (it can be a contest on specialized website).
Get forum users first and after that ask them for a logo ideas and new meaning for domain name.
@Jenkler Is the forum for gaming? What did you decide the focus would be?
@HolyPhoenix Yes, the forum is for gaming, movies and musik. But i think mostly for gamers
- Yeah, that would be a solution. Maybe if I get stuck on the logo part
Always nice with some input.
@Jenkler How about
Micro Entertainment Xperience
Where the "u" in uex represents the greek letter mu (which represents micro)μ
Thanks for helping out