I'm looking at a company hiring for techs to work on neat aerospace projects.
maybe it was a mistake to embed EICAR and some actually live DOS viruses into my resume
@foone silly foone. That's how you get interesting dates, not jobs /j
@sludgegirl what, don't you bring your resume to dates too?
this job application site has added "check all your pronouns" to their applying process. They left out a major one (it/its), but they do let you enter custom pronouns.
Sadly they limit it to 41 characters, so I can't stick the entirety of Doom in there. Again.
my resume should play doom. I should fix that
@foone I'm reminded of a recruitment round in my first post-BA job, 30 years ago, where we got a couple of CVs on floppies, as executable code.
@darkling I always bring my resume on floppy disk to any job interview, but usually it's just a boring PDF.
I should make them a bootdisk or something -
@foone I think you can embed JavaScript in a PDF?