Flooding: socket
Hi guys,
Is it ok? Just saw this in console:
26/10 20:54 [53952] - warn: Flooding detected! Calls : 101, Duration : 8414 26/10 20:54 [53952] - warn: [socket.io] Too many emits! Disconnecting uid : 1. Events : topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore,topics.markAsRead,topics.loadMore
I mean so many similar requests. (why would
will be called several times on the same topic with single post?)
I think something isn't right. I'm just staying on one page, and can watch how CPU consumption grows on my dev machine.Endless scrolling script doesn't like presence of iframes in post?
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