[nodebb-plugin-google-analytics] Google Analytics for NodeBB
I thought I made a topic for this, but perhaps it's disappeared... anyhow:
Google Analytics Plugin for NodeBB
Requires at least NodeBB v0.4.0
To install, just
npm i nodebb-plugin-google-analytics
, activate the plugin, and enter your tracking ID (e.g.UA-XXXXX-X
- Compatibility with NodeBB v0.4.0
- Using universal analytics now (thanks to @bentael's suggestion)
- Removed server-side code, and now using client-side hooks to catch proper page loads
- Analytics no longer reports +1 unique visitor every time you change pages (this led to some crazy high unique/visit counts, though!)
- Initial release
Yey! .
This is nice, but...
But many users use Piwik Analytics instead of GA. But Piwik does not have a portable ID like GA. You have to copy and paste a JS code into the footer file of your theme.
Which brings up a suggestion. How about a global footer widget box that can be used to post ad codes to footer.tpl. Aside from Piwik, many people also use Quantcast for monitoring.
Hey @julian has this been updated for the latest release client?
I am seeing this error after I have upgraded in the analytics control panel.
Missing Tracking Code No valid tracking code found for property bitbangers.co.uk's default URL http://bitbangers.co.uk. Make sure your pages are tagged with a supported version of the tracking code.
Is it working with latest nodebb- 0.5.0?
@tangibilizing yeah, it's working fine.
I wonder if g-analytics code executes synchronously before page is rendered or asynchronously after page is displayed to User? I would not want secondary functionality to slow down user experience. One of the best things about nodebb is how zippy fast it is. Having a big leg up in speed over legacy php scripts. Would not trade that for the world
Is this still working without any issues in v0.9.3?
@MarximusMG not needed in your case.
Thanks to the Google PageSpeed module for NGINX, you can simply load Analytics over your PageSpeed config:
https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/filter-insert-ga -
@AOKP awesome, thanks for the link!
Your Plugin works great.
It would be awesome if we can set custom dimension using this plugin,
I think this can be done with small changes,
if enabled we can pass value using variable which is sent with pageview,
ga('create', 'UA-12345-1', 'auto'); ga('set', 'dimension1', dimensionValue); // Set the custom dimension value ga('send', 'pageview');
For Reference:
https://css-tricks.com/extending-google-analytics-on-css-tricks-with-custom-dimensions/20 Ways to Use Google Analytics Custom Dimensions | Bounteous
Twenty specific ways you can implement Google Analytics Custom Dimensions to get better insights out of your website tracking data.
I am asking this because we use this to filter internal traffic from analytics and for other purpose also.