Sidebar: Jquery called in the Custom HTML page?
I would like to move the Categories page to this Jquery sidebar menu: MMenu or Simple Menu
Can i do that in the custom HTML page? Trying to avoid a plugin or template change if possible... Putting nodebb widget space into one is harder than i thought.
You can, but there is already a slide menu on mobile so you might run into issues there. Also, it might be slower than using a widget/plugin because you need to grab the data from the server and parse it into html.
I changed the navigation option for categories to have a route of "#" and an id of "catmenu" to stop it from going to the categories page, then I loaded one the scripts and append the data from the categories api to the menu.
(This should get you started, I'll add some more comments later, but must sleep now. )
<div class="sidebar left" style="position:fixed;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;width: 270px;background: #448AFF;z-index:1051;"></div> <script> require([''], function () { $(".sidebar.left").sidebar().trigger("sidebar:close"); $.getJSON('/api/categories', function(data){ data.categories.forEach(function(category){ $('.sidebar.left').append('<p><a href="/category/' + category.slug + '">' + + '<a></p>'); }); }); $('body').on('click', '#catmenu', function(e){ $(".sidebar.left").trigger("sidebar:toggle"); return false; }); }); </script>