how can I list topics in a category?
I want to list topics in a category on a custom page. I want the title, author, data and content to be showed. I basically want all the announcements on the front page. Is there a easy to do this without making a plugin or something?
You'll need a plugin. Do you want a custom page, or a category as your homepage? They're done differently.
@yariplus since category as homepage is coming in the next release, thanks to you :), what steps would i have to take in order to have the api also return the main content for each topic in that category?
@agarcia17 said:
@yariplus since category as homepage is coming in the next release, thanks to you :), what steps would i have to take in order to have the api also return the main content for each topic in that category?
The change is transparent to the api, a call to will return the category data along with the topics summary, the exact same data you would get if you called
@yariplus right but what if I would want to not only return a list of topics but also the mainPid's content of each topic?
@agarcia17 afaik, there is no way to do that with a single call. It does give you the mainPids, so you could do another call to api/post/pid
If you change the teaser post to first in the ACP it will return the content of the first post instead of last.
@baris awesome! i didnt notice there was an setting for that! thanks! I will give that a try later on today or tomorrow, but since its only a teaser i will probably need to make a modification on the 'teaser' function to have it return the full post instead, correct?
The returned teaser has the below data so you might not need to change anything.
"teaser": { "_key": "post:38335", "pid": 38335, "uid": 2962, "tid": 6400, "content": "<p><a class=\"plugin-mentions-a\" href=\"\">@baris</a> awesome! i didnt notice there was an setting for that! thanks! I will give that a try later on today or tomorrow, but since its only a teaser i will probably need to make a modification on the 'teaser' function to have it return the full post instead, correct?</p>\n", "timestamp": "2015-09-21T17:37:45.565Z", "user": { "_key": "user:2962", "userslug": "agarcia17", "picture": "", "username": "agarcia17", "uid": 2962 }, "index": 9 }