nodebb-plugin-youtube-lite creating video frames for regular links?
@SimonQ I have NoScript enabled by default. When I go to your forum, the videos are fine. But when I allow javascript from your domain name, they behave like you described. I would look into your custom header (i.e. javascript) if I were you. I hope it helps.
@hukadan The strange thing is though is that when I edit and submit the current post the videos are fine and works. However upon refreshing the page again it goes back to the way it was.
I do not have a custom header but, I do have a custom sidebar which by the looks of it does not seem to affect the links.
This is a head scratcher for me
@SimonQ I am not using the last version of this plugin (I made a fork when the regex issue arised) so I could not reproduce your problem. So I just tried on a testing version of the forum I am in charge and I observe the same behaviour. So it is not just you. I suppose it is a question of tweaking the css though. I will try to have look but I am VERY far to be an expert.