So, just thinking about this Chinese AI thing and the parallels to how a Fediverse ActivityPub node can run on a $50 Rasberry Pi, but a Bluesky AT Protocol node requires a $30,000,000 supercluster.
replied to Walt Baldwin last edited by
@waltbaldwin @mastodonmigration very efficient way for China to burst that AI bubble. The market already knew they were in a bubble, so at the first sign of trouble, they started dumping stock... No receipts needed.
replied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
It is not easy to be evil, you know.
replied to faraiwe last edited by
No argument.
replied to Carlos Solís last edited by [email protected]
So basically ActivityPub
replied to Jorge Stolfi last edited by
Evil works for a while, until it doesn't.
replied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
@mastodonmigration I guess that's what happens when you bake profit into every part of the system
I'm sure the Chinese system, if costs are accurate, is done at cost for political capital over amerika and not for everyone involved to make big money
replied to Viral Obscurity last edited by
Bingo. Being sneaky and tricky makes you vulnerable. Unfortunately sneaky and tricky is the Silicon Valley way. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
replied to Viral Obscurity last edited by
@viralobscurity @mastodonmigration And success in EV's? Not everything is done for reasons of political capital. Climate change matters to China too.
China is determined to succeed and to do so despite obstacles placed in its way, because it can.
replied to SamuelJohnson last edited by
@samueljohnson @viralobscurity
EVs are another great example. Here we prop up super expensive monster vehicles while the rest of the world makes cool small affordable EVs. Guess which strategy wins in the long run?
replied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
@mastodonmigration @viralobscurity See YouTube channel of Sam Evans (@theelectricviking) for some good background on car companies, not only US ones, putting profits ahead of climate sustainability. Also good analysis on how, as result of better strategy, China now dominates battery tech and has better supply chain and software than most western auto manufacturers. Tariffs won't reverse this. EV sales will surpass ICE cars in China this year. Cheaper & better month after month.