Select as best answer
I'd love to see this implemented as a plugin. If anybody is interested in taking this up, let me know and I'll point you in the right direction
I was thinking core, but plugin will do as well.
To extend that, the best answer(s) get promoted to the top of the thread, or appears in a tab.
I think at some point we'll try to compile the best replies that have the most upvotes and move them to the top. Something to consider in the near future
@psychobunny If you plan to do it, do it in a way it can be disabled pls
I'll see if I can write a plugin for this in the meantime. I have lots of free time these days.
haha yeah definitely not something that I'm going to force everybody to use and yes. more plugins please, keep 'em coming
@planner you could also create a thread in the plugin category maybe for plugin ideas. Maybe there are more people with ideas/free time