CoinAwesome: Using NodeBB for a decentralized content aggregator - Looking for a dev partner
Hi v4,
I love the idea of the platform and I believe that it would be interesting enough to build a user base. My suggestion would be that you do take a look at the current UI and try to make it a bit more clean. The current website is all over the place and distracts from the content and the "quite awesome" idea that you have.
Oh btw: Couldn't care less about firefox support, I need Safari!!!
Just my 2 cents
And since I've just installed the wallet I'll put my address here for the coins
Thanks @remcokatz , sent you your coins. Do you have already other crypto-coins or are these your first?
You mean Persona? Will be adapted as soon as ready for production. Right now there seem to be a few things not working with Persona. Or which website are you referring to?
Maybe somebody wants to help merging with v0.7 "Persona" as soon as officially released. For some coins of course.
And please do not forget to use your coins on awesome content online otherwise they will be worthless.
Hey there.
A few notes:
- I got two times the same verification-email (verification-token differs and time by one minute, probably the second got sent after using the first).
- I wouldn't use a "success"-alert for the "Welcome to CoinAwesome Tips." widget since it's nothing that succeeded, it's an info (blue type). The way it is the multiple green boxes on the email-verification site are just irritating.
- personally I dislike such giveaways that require facebook (and even there >=50 friends). I kind-of blacklist such sites for myself immediately if they don't do a great job (or at least make me think so) otherwise... But of cause this is just a personal flavor
And yes: I don't have any facebook account and haven't had any ever. xD
- The word "address" gets used for the account-ID. I'd prefer ID (or sth. with it like account-ID, CAwesomeID, CA-ID, etc.) since the word "address" isn't used normally for other things than building-address or email-address. First I thought you'd require us to post our home-address in order to validate for the giveaway
- The branding-logo on the page should lead to rather than redirecting to itself. I'd even propose to use a subdirectory rather than a complete subdomain.
- Sometimes less is better:
- The hover-animation of the "getButton" (btw. I'd rename it to donation button or sth. like, at least the link within the landing-page. The user has no clue what a "get button" should be. (btw. I should try not to cascade brackets in normal sentences or even putting whole sentences inside (just a side-note for myself
))) EDIT: because of that nested brackets stuff I completely forgot to complete the main-sentence xD . Here you go: ... should get less smiley-rotation (at most one time, maybe even none - just the white blobs).
- For my opinion the landing-page is much to complicated. Vertical and horizontal scrolling is to much overhead. Personally I dislike anything like (even the NodeBB landing-page, everything that has scrolling-actions or horizontal scrolling... and this upcoming "pagination by vertical scrolling" seems for me to be a step into the wrong direction... why do we have links within the www?
So all in all you get an user-opinion about all that "modern landing-page" stuff: It's neither necessary nor attractive. I'd like to hear some opposite opinions about that btw., pretty interesting.
- The hover-animation of the "getButton" (btw. I'd rename it to donation button or sth. like, at least the link within the landing-page. The user has no clue what a "get button" should be. (btw. I should try not to cascade brackets in normal sentences or even putting whole sentences inside (just a side-note for myself
I have no imagination about what 10k coins are worth but I'd be glad to find out about it :).
My CAwesomeID (I like that proposal the most) is AP5PdrCw69UmrMQqcoJhYZE5xww3ZCHnaDPS: just came across "aID" within your response to me, is this equivalent to "address" currently?
@remcokatz Great, you added the awesome button on your site! Only that you need to put your address like it is inside the wallet into the HTML... otherwise I can not tip it... here is the URL:
@frissdiegurke thank you a lot for your detailed feedback!
- I am not sure why the email got send out twice. Must be something with NodeBB. Will keep an eye on it and look whether this happens more often.
- true, will try it out how it looks. I thought of 'success' - you made it to the site
- also true. In Bitcoinland everybody knows what an address is (hash of a pubkey). ID is probably more understandable... but would confuse Bitcoin users... will think about it.
- It is called Address because you can send coins to it, like emails to email-addresses.
- But you can also use your key to sign messages from third party servers and proof your identity to them
- generally such IDs are not made for humans. Better would be to have a naming system (like namecoin has) but would take about 2 weeks of dev work.
- So often you use your email-address as an ID... both concepts are kind of melting together.
And as for the other points about the UI improvements I actually agree with most of them.
There will be also other giveaways of course. I picked FB as the first because it has the largest user base, by far. Next is twittter, reddit... any ideas what would be good to have too?
Two more points- the external link "my tipping history" within the chrome-plugin links to (in my case).
- There is no such user, am I supposed to create this?
- Since the awesome-ID seems to be case-sensitive, the nodebb-username seems not to be, there shouldn't be such an association. but this would get solved by the naming system you mentioned
Another giveaway idea I'd like to see would be Github with by-commit activity-limitations, but that depends on the actual sense of the giveaways (some prize-like reward or some FCFS donation giveaway).
EDIT: wait, where is my second point? Now I need to remember what it's been O_O
- the external link "my tipping history" within the chrome-plugin links to (in my case).
@julian thank you!
- Your user account on gets created as soon as you make your first tip or get tipped onto your address/ID. Not just a simple transaction. It needs to be a tip with data inside the transactin (URL at least). You are right that the link/button should not be visible until then...
- The usernames are actually with case but the slug (URL) is lower-case for some reason. Maybe @julian knows why? Would nodeBB break somewhere if I make it case-sensitive too?
The sense of the giveaways is to encourage adoption. I like Github very much but it has not many users compared to other social media.
@v4 it's not clear what to do with the embed code now.
I've first posted this:
<iframe src=""ATKnonEi7CkNuv1vpZX4UnkuccrfehtREJ" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" title="CoinAwesome Button" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1029; border: 0px; height: 210px; width: 330px; left: 0px; background-color: transparent;"></iframe>
Now you are talking about putting the website address in there?
I'm not certain what to do now
@remcokatz Sorry for confusion.
Have a look at
Just copy and paste following (your address already included):
<span style="position: relative; top:11px; left:22px;"><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" title="CoinAwesome Button" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1029; border: 0px; height: 210px; width: 330px; left: 0px; background-color: transparent;"></iframe></span>This is how it has to be. No quotes around the address. Just around the src value. The address is part of the src value. The AWE address. Not talking about the URL.
You might need to adjust the styling a bit to fit your needs.
@v4 So if I'm correct i should replace for the url of my own website?
I did put a " in behind the addr part since it seemed to me that it was missing. I will remove it. Perhaps you could create an "iframe generator" script on the coinawesome site to make sure that people understand what to adjust etc.?
Let me know if my first question is correct! Then i'll quickly fix it and I can get this puppy on the road :).
@remcokatz you have an " to many as it seems. remove that one in front of your AWE-Address, it's closing the src-attribute
I have to say, good job on your take on lav, looks very awesome. Good luck!
EDIT: when do we see a tip plugin for nodebb?
Hi guys,
now we have got the Bitcoin version:
Read the introductory blog post:
@psychobunny A plugin is not needed with WeTipCoins or CoinAwesome by design. It works with every URL, e.g. the user profile URL. Which field do you suggest for the user to embed his coin address?
Maybe a plugin to add the field for coin address? I've seen people add them to their sigs as well, but depends on the theme (ie. Persona doesn't utilize sigs but we will plan on making them kind of like a status update in future)
Cool work BTW