"Today Trump confirmed that he intends to bypass normal legal constraints on his actions by declaring a national emergency on his first day in office in order to launch his mass deportation of undocumented migrants."
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Weed cat Picks last edited by
@greycat Definitely not a great way to run things. A big step on the fascist path.
That's the % of people that voted trump, in USA.
@BassRck66 @lupus_blackfur I see. The percent of those who voted for him as tabulated against the whole population of eligible voters, many of whom did not vote, you mean?
"Found it!"
The actual outcome of this election with •the whole US population• as the denominator:
22% voted for Harris
23% voted for Trump
<1% voted for other
26% eligible but did not vote*
28% not eligible to vote* (whether by choice or by voter suppression)
Numbers might shift a tiny bit as last votes are counted, but this is close to the final tally.
Paul Cantrell
@wdlindsy Putting a dollar figure on such ugly inhumanity feels so… cold. Yet it is an undeniable part of the hideous equation, and the one that will get the attention of the fiscally-minded-but-hard-hearted.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"The next president has promised to start mass deportations of undocumented immigrants on his first day in office. He plans to force the military and local law enforcement agencies to round up anyone he thinks is undocumented.
There are several problems with this (of course there are):"
~ Pamela Hilliard Owens
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"• The program only targets brown and Black immigrants.
•Even undocumented immigrants pay millions in taxes from which they cannot receive benefits and spend tens of millions in the economy.
• Very few undocumented immigrants commit crimes, although the MAGAs escalate any crime to unnecessary attention, trying to cast all undocumented immigrants as dangerous criminals falsely."
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
/14 -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"• Documented immigrants and American citizens may be caught up in this program.
• Undocumented immigrants make up the majority of people who pick and pack our fruits and vegetables, work in meat-packing plants and nursing homes, and work on construction projects all around the country."
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
/15 -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"• If undocumented immigrants also have American-born children, it is planned to deport them as well, although the 14th Amendment protects the American citizenship of the children."
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
/16 -
ScroogeReportreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy Bill, you now realize we pick and choose our Amendments cafeteria style. As it suits our needs and appetites. - MAGA
William -- The first a-holes to eagerly round-up people are cruel and evil.
A year or so later, they might be that, or "just following orders", or scared for their family.
I thought we were talking about why people voted Trump? I'm open to the cruel bastards version, but there are so many other narratives including economic desperation.
Economic desperation can be viewed as clueless, lied to, greedy, and/or single-minded.
I had a guy who voted Harris and who makes about minimum wage clue me in on how important the economy was in all this.
Worldwide -- with inflation "after" COVID -- there has been a shift to the right in governments.
Now how people got fooled into thinking Trump or any other despot would be good for the poor and the economy is another issue.
@zagone "Fooled into" definitely seem like operative words here.
@zagone As commentators from Robert P. Jones to Paul Waldman to Charles Pierce and many others have noted, the "economic anxiety" narrative peddled by the media when Trump was elected in 2016 and rehabilitated all over again this go-round simply does not mesh with the facts. People may say that their reason for choosing Trump is economic, but dig beneath the surface to their attitudes about immigrants, gender-related issues, racial matters, LGBTQ and trans people, and there's a lot more there.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to ScroogeReport last edited by
@NeadReport I do suspect Pamela Hilliard Owen knows lots of examples of that happening in American history.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Robert Link last edited by
@phaedral Thanks for the link. Yes, I hear of people bragging that their "portfolio" is thriving now. I'm in the wait-and-see camp about what's going to happpen down the road.
@Laloofah Yes, it is part of the hideous equation, for sure. We've just watched a film about a group of Jewish children experimented on medically by the Nazis and then murdered just as Germany surrendered, and a constant theme in that film, based on a true story, was how groups in Germany and business leaders were raking in money due to the barbarism.
@BassRck66 @lupus_blackfur Vote suppression and getting people to think their votes won't count anyway have been powerfully effective tools for the Republican party for some time now.
#Trump voters didn't believe he would make good on mobilizing the military for #deportation of undocumented immigrants. It may happen in Texas, but it won't in New York or New Jersey.