Error in notificacion link
I've just received a mail notification from a topic wich i follow, and the link it contained pointed to the following url:
Instead of wich would be the correct one.
That causes a controllerd 404 error mesage in the view.
I don't know if there's a problem with the mail plugin or is just a problem of it's configuration.
Just letting you know.
@baris Is the email that is sent when a new response is made to a topic you are subscribed to.
For example i've just received one, due to your replay.
The actual email is shown in the following screenshot: (maybe the problem is in my language preference? (Spanish))
The URL of the link to this topic provided in the mail by mandrillapp is :
that is converted to the following when you click it:
Thanks its fixed on latest master
fix notif url in topic notification email 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@149120a
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - fix notif url in topic notification email 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@149120a
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