Chip companies should package all the broken pieces in the factory and sell it as: "Chip Dust".
Tennis ball scraps since they already share cans?
Well, I def like regular funyuns... So, a whole line of fundips is a good idea.
The ones that WEREN'T invented to keep us from masturbating.
I would imagine they've tuned their lines well enough there's not enough waste for all whole product line. It probably already goes in the bags to hit exact weights.
Tastes already like seasoned cardboard.
I just now realized you are talking about food
I though this was Silicon dust from a fab
It works for pretzels.
I just now realized you are talking about food
I though this was Silicon dust from a fab
Not as tasty.
It works for pretzels.
Yes, I've had Hanover's.
That was a trip
I just now realized you are talking about food
I though this was Silicon dust from a fab
That's what I thought too. Must be all the "AI" this and "NVidia" that dominating news.
I would imagine they've tuned their lines well enough there's not enough waste for all whole product line. It probably already goes in the bags to hit exact weights.
Or it gets sold as animal food.