[nodebb-plugin-youtube] Youtube Embed Plugin
or something like the markdown image function
?I like this, makes sense. IMO I'm not going to bother updating this because what we really should do is make a global embed plugin
one that handles all the major video hosting sites
@psychobunny Something like embed.ly embed API would be fantastic. Just without all the advertising and re-embed icons etc etc.
Great plugin, thanks a lot
@psychobunny Hey buddy, I've started working on a youtube-lite plugin if you're interested in contributing, video heavy threads crash my browser due to the number of iFrames being loaded. So I'm working on integrating lazyYT, which only fires the iFrame when it's required, until then it just displays the default image of the video and a play button. I've got as far as displaying the thumbnails, but there's something wrong with it then loading the video, the iFrame code gets mangled. So fails to load.
If anyone wants to help out with this, it's https://github.com/a5mith/nodebb-plugin-youtube-lite (Don't use in live environment, it doesn't work.)
I've noticed that it requires some code be added into the body, is this something that can be done easily via the plugin? Or would it be easier to get people to add it to the custom JS?
I've noticed that it requires some code be added into the body, is this something that can be done easily via the plugin? Or would it be easier to get people to add it to the custom JS?
Try checking this plugin out for an example on how to embed client-side scripts in your plugins
@psychobunny Thanks dude, once I've worked out why the iFrame code is getting mangled, I'll add that in.
Ok, I'm officially at a loss with this... Not only is it mangling the iFrame, it's changing the video ID into all lower case, so the videos don't actually work.
I don't understand how it goes from
$el.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!$el.hasClass('lazyYT-video-loaded') && $el.hasClass('lazyYT-image-loaded')) { $el.html('<iframe width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/"' + id + '?autoplay=1&' + youtubeParameters + '"></iframe>') .removeClass('lazyYT-image-loaded') .addClass('lazyYT-video-loaded'); } });
To being output as
<iframe width="640" height="360" yuobzwf0aws?autoplay="1&"" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/"></iframe>
Sense, it doesn't make it.
How reduce size of video?
@Master-Antonio, try @a_5mith's Youtube-Lite plugin. It may be more suited to your needs if the video is appearing to large.
I have the RSS Feed poster plugin and the feeds posts YouTube videos in iFrames instead of just a standard URL.
Example: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vzNErWJWxTo" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen=""></iframe>
How would I modify this YouTube plugin work with posts that contain YouTube videos in an iFrame tag?