Amazon SES doesn't send mail
Hi guys, Im trying to use Amazon SES for my email provider. I got amazon ses and aproved this for production.
When i test here, im getting email, so everything is working as i expected.
But when i try to use my credentials in my forum in production, i couldn't get email. I tried to send test email, i tried to trigger to send email by clicking forgot password etc.
Nah!, it didn't work. Im sharing my screenshots.And also one more question, i don't have to much context about amazon ses, i created account for my domain and it worked. But there are many options for ses in mail options in nodebb as ses-us, ses-ap etc. my region is eu-central in amazon and i couldnt see in options in nodebb. i thought if i select custom and fill my credentials as the same in test site, it must work. maybe it can related with this, idk. I need to other eyes to figure out.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards -