Page control arrows for PWA
when the forum is used as PWA, there is no easy way to navigate between pages...
Yesterday, I was reading a post on the forum that mentioned another topic, I have encountered an issue when attempting to return to the original post. So, after reading the linked topic, I had to go to categories page and retrace my steps to locate the topic I was reading initially...
Although this can be achieved by page control arrows on destop and mobile browsers, there is no easy way to achieve this on PWA... so I propose adding some page control buttons that appear at the bottom of the page when scrolled up. (maybe it can be integrated to post navigation bar but I believe those buttons should appear in all pages, not only in topics)
Here is just a suggestion to distinguish them from other arrows...
alternatively the arrows or rewind icons that YouTube uses can be used:
@phenomlab thank you very much, this works like a charm...