A quick note about an upcoming partnership — re: best practices and fediverse onboarding
Really basic question, so I have a mastodon account. Where do I type it in?, so when I click share post it shares to that.
I tried just 'share post' but it didnt do anything (as it didn't ask me there for my fediverse account). So do I have to associate my mastodon account with my eeeee profile somewhere first? -
Your profile here (@eeeee) would be separate from your Mastodon account. From Mastodon, you could search for a specific post to see it there, and from there, you can boost it or reply, etc.
Admittedly not the most graceful of solutions. The idea is that you'd be using your local account here, and people from outside of this forum could be using their respective software, and you'd all be contributing to the same conversation.
It's something that takes a bit of getting used to, because up until now we've got local accounts... and shared accounts via something like OAuth2/SSO... but this is different, it's shared content.
You can mention them directly in any post (e.g. @[email protected]), and they will be notified. They can then see that post in their feed and notifications, and respond from Mastodon (for example).
Discovery of additional content is done via the /world and /world/all pages, which I am still working on, but do function currently.
ok, doing this as a test, with my account @[email protected] and yours @[email protected]
@eeeee d'oh... you found a bug
When you mention users, they are captured, but I don't actually address the note to the mentioned users.
That's... sort of important. Let me fix that.
In the meantime, you can paste "https://community.nodebb.org/post/98444" into the search bar to find it from mathstodon. Obviously it should show up naturally without you having to do that.
This may be way off what youre intending to do, but I thought the big win for fediverse would be to have topics that could be shared over multiple instances of nodebb. (Duplicated on 2 forums)
This is what I mean - Say in all participating nodebb instances there is a Networked posts Category.
Lets say Sudonix () makes a post and thinks it could be of global interest, the owner can mark that as a 'global' topic.
Then in my nodebb instance (where I opted to have Sudonix's global content) that topic appears in my 'Networks posts' category, my users can contribute to the same thread and it shows up on both sites!Is that technically possible? It would mean smaller instances are busier as it has global topics as well as its own. So a win-win all round
@eeeee Yes, that's exactly the use case that I am aiming for here.
If this forum and Sudonix (
) were federated, and I make a post that is of interest to the other community, they may be able to see it show up in their
tab if there is an existing connection (e.g. someone from Sudonix follows me here).They can then continue the conversation from Sudonix, and the conversations would be synced up in pseudo-real-time.
Also, I am mentioning @[email protected], so you should ideally get notified of this post there, now.
yes I see the world/all has content ...
I read this post "It's really crazy how a dozen companies own everything now. AND if any one of them is unhealthy... "Where can I see which forum that was originally posted from, so if I was super interested in that topic I could go and register with that forum too (for example)?
@eeeee the ActivityPub integration is under heavy development and won't be ready for awhile.
When it is, we'll release v4.0.0
/world contains topics from users that you explicitly follow. You probably don't see any topics there because you don't follow any users, or the ones you do haven't posted anything yet