My own teeny weeny shortlist of suggestions
- Mobile view - this needs major rework and a dedicated mobile theme. Right now it's practically unusable to type as the keyboard is taking up 95% of the composer box. The voting buttons are too small and things basically don't look right for anything but browsing. Other buttons to attach pics are equally too small. Needs mobile specific features like 'take a pic'.
- Who's online widget - an extension of the active users widget but showing a dynamic view of registered users currently browsing any category
- More rigorous compatibility checks on plugins would be great on the backend to avoid a plugin crashing the whole platform
- I raised this already but a real time update of post teasers (the ones beneath each category) would definitely improve the experience
- Geo-tagging posts would be cool. Probably in plugin form.
- I'm sure this has been mentioned but Search Search Search. Far from ideal. Global search produces a mess and we need category search (by keyword, username at the very least but maybe have time/date filter)
I may end up joining with my own contributions at some point. Soon as I have time to wrap my head around this.
Keep up the good work lads.
- Mobile view - this needs major rework and a dedicated mobile theme. Right now it's practically unusable to type as the keyboard is taking up 95% of the composer box. The voting buttons are too small and things basically don't look right for anything but browsing. Other buttons to attach pics are equally too small. Needs mobile specific features like 'take a pic'.
- Who's online widget - an extension of the active users widget but showing a dynamic view of registered users currently browsing any category
- More rigorous compatibility checks on plugins would be great on the backend to avoid a plugin crashing the whole platform
- I raised this already but a real time update of post teasers (the ones beneath each category) would definitely improve the experience
- Geo-tagging posts would be cool. Probably in plugin form.
- I'm sure this has been mentioned but Search Search Search. Far from ideal. Global search produces a mess and we need category search (by keyword, username at the very least but maybe have time/date filter)
I may end up joining with my own contributions at some point. Soon as I have time to wrap my head around this.
Keep up the good work lads.
it's responsive design, doing anything about the keyboard is tough, as it's very difficult for the browser to know where the keyboard is on android.
I'll agree with that, the active users seems a little misleading, as it just shows the last posters.
this is happening, from the AMA they did, the plugins system shouldn't show incompatible plugins (this doesn't stop people installing them through npm) but possibly having the ACP still load, even if a plugin takes your site down. Pipeline dreams, but was mentioned.
I'm still sure this already happens. But I won't argue about it.
Possibly maybe, depends how many would find it useful, alternatively just having a location field in your profile would achieve the same thing really.
I'll agree with this, the search is very basic at the minute, advanced search etc would be a welcome addition.
Online status right there
Appreciate the feedback.-
On the topic of responsive, it is very possible. I'm no expert on mobile themes but all traditional forums that I've frequented on mobile have the composer at the top with keyboard at the bottom in portrait and landscape mode. The keyboard is always assumed to take the bottom half of the screen. Right now on any large screen android phone I've tried (SGS4, SGS5 and Note 3) this on the keyboard is blocking the entire composer. It's really completely unusable. At the very least composer should be moved to top half. Please don't misinterpret this as anything other than constructive criticism
I'm purely speaking as an end user of nodeBB for about a week now.
If you mean this isn't happening today, I will disagree. If you're running 0.43 go to ACP and activate nodebb-plugin-metro-tiles. Will instantly kill nodebb on restart. No warnings or anything. If you mean this will be introduced with 0.5 then hurray
Lol, I know, it's not for me on any network, office, laptop, device but we'll leave it at that
Again speaking as a consumer it is a useful feature if you're posting in transit. Given this is a mobile friendly platform I think there's merit in including this. A lot of the popular platforms support this today in some shape or form I believe phpBB, xenforo and VBulletin.
Good find, maybe I'll try to hack together a widget/plugin out of this if there's some documentation.
Keep it up guys
EDIT: Lol, and I find a bug as I type this. The list in my response is 1,3,4,5 but when I submit/save it it's reordered automagically to 1,2,3,4.....
Appreciate the feedback.-
On the topic of responsive, it is very possible. I'm no expert on mobile themes but all traditional forums that I've frequented on mobile have the composer at the top with keyboard at the bottom in portrait and landscape mode. The keyboard is always assumed to take the bottom half of the screen. Right now on any large screen android phone I've tried (SGS4, SGS5 and Note 3) this on the keyboard is blocking the entire composer. It's really completely unusable. At the very least composer should be moved to top half. Please don't misinterpret this as anything other than constructive criticism
I'm purely speaking as an end user of nodeBB for about a week now.
If you mean this isn't happening today, I will disagree. If you're running 0.43 go to ACP and activate nodebb-plugin-metro-tiles. Will instantly kill nodebb on restart. No warnings or anything. If you mean this will be introduced with 0.5 then hurray
Lol, I know, it's not for me on any network, office, laptop, device but we'll leave it at that
Again speaking as a consumer it is a useful feature if you're posting in transit. Given this is a mobile friendly platform I think there's merit in including this. A lot of the popular platforms support this today in some shape or form I believe phpBB, xenforo and VBulletin.
Good find, maybe I'll try to hack together a widget/plugin out of this if there's some documentation.
Keep it up guys
EDIT: Lol, and I find a bug as I type this. The list in my response is 1,3,4,5 but when I submit/save it it's reordered automagically to 1,2,3,4.....
@nik I wouldn't say so much a bug since there was a specific use for the list in your post. Just perhaps a bit out of context?
Perhaps it shouldn't reorder things. Or at least slightly prompt the user on the Preview window.
Perhaps it shouldn't reorder things. Or at least slightly prompt the user on the Preview window.
Agreed. Shouldn't be re-ordering anything on my behalf
- Mobile view - this needs major rework and a dedicated mobile theme. Right now it's practically unusable to type as the keyboard is taking up 95% of the composer box. The voting buttons are too small and things basically don't look right for anything but browsing. Other buttons to attach pics are equally too small. Needs mobile specific features like 'take a pic'.
- Who's online widget - an extension of the active users widget but showing a dynamic view of registered users currently browsing any category
- More rigorous compatibility checks on plugins would be great on the backend to avoid a plugin crashing the whole platform
- I raised this already but a real time update of post teasers (the ones beneath each category) would definitely improve the experience
- Geo-tagging posts would be cool. Probably in plugin form.
- I'm sure this has been mentioned but Search Search Search. Far from ideal. Global search produces a mess and we need category search (by keyword, username at the very least but maybe have time/date filter)
I may end up joining with my own contributions at some point. Soon as I have time to wrap my head around this.
Keep up the good work lads.
@nik said:
Mobile view - this needs major rework and a dedicated mobile theme. Right now it's practically unusable to type as the keyboard is taking up 95% of the composer box. The voting buttons are too small and things basically don't look right for anything but browsing. Other buttons to attach pics are equally too small. Needs mobile specific features like 'take a pic'.
The composer in mobile view is a serious issue, it's barely usable in the current form. Just a pair of lines show up, depending on the screen size. Isn't there a way to fill the screen with the text area without resizing it when popping out the keyboard?
Geotagging is also very cool and innovative. I see a lot of uses for it, think about combining it with an event plugin.