Does NodeBB provide support for a user database other than the one it builds in mongo? How would I integrate NodeBB with Keycloak?
so it seems like i can define a provider now.. Not sure how to set this. I'll consult with some guys internally to see what i can learn about an "OAuth2 endpoint" exposed by Keycloak.
Do I need full URL's in the following?
Are fields like the authorization url required? Is the client secret required? We do have a client id that has a secret.
What looks wrong in the following? I get an "invalid data" message when I attempt to confirm.
Do I need full URL's in the following?
Are fields like the authorization url required? Is the client secret required? We do have a client id that has a secret.
What looks wrong in the following? I get an "invalid data" message when I attempt to confirm.
Apparently the client secret is required.
I was able to get to the Keycloak login prompt:
However the following failure occurs when I login.
Currently using this configuration:
Looking in keycloak, it did create a session for that login
The username is "dave1".. the email is a fake email: [email protected]
I also have a [email protected] user..
They both should work.
With those values, yeah, it should work.
At this point, I'd need some additional debugging info. Can you please go to
in the plugin and search for the string// New user
?Add this directly below it, but before the
Then restart NodeBB. I'd like to see what the profile data is normalized to.
on it. do i need to rebuild nodebb when i modifiy the plugin?
Hmm.. I dont see a console log.. I modified the library.js in the plugin directory.
Do I need to npm link that again?
Also I do see the following error in the console.. when I login.. This suggests that the callbark URL is not correct.
Maybe I misconfigured the redirect URI in the keycloak client:
Yet that seemed to be the one to use..
@David-Sargrad You're seeing a 500 error, which means it's the right URL but something happened on the backend. If it was the wrong URL it'd be a 404
If you modify a backend file, you have to restart NodeBB (but you don't have to rebuild). The files are cached (by Node.js) so you need to restart NodeBB so the cache is empty.
i see.. for some reason the console.log didnt go to the console.. that said.. i'm at the breakpoint where the console.log is ...
This is my payload object: -
I see.. You are too good!
SO the @ in the handle is problematic?
Yeah, I'm not immediately certain why
was omitted, but this is an excerpt of the expression that defines what characters are allowed:'" \-+.*[\]0-9\u00BF-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w
Some symbols, numbers, letters, and select unicode ranges. Gone are the days when the expression used to be
I see.. Now to see if Keycloak allows me to modify that.. I'd assume so.
any idea why the console.log didnt actually go to the console? odd .. since the code seems to be there.