[nodebb-plugin-jsfiddle] jsFiddle Embedding
One for the community if you fancy using it.
npm install nodebb-plugin-jsfiddle
Paste the full URL into your post. It also supports revisions with
/6/ or /10/
after the URL, include that too if you want.Enjoy!
Fork on github if you want to change the order of the tabs
Scotch.io has a great little feature I think this would work well with.. (well any page for that matter.)
This reminds me of an idea I had in the past. Catch the
'''And auto upload it as a gist to github if it exceeds X amount of lines
@meetdilip It allows developers to create code snippets for demo purposes without needing to create a full webpage.
This is the jsfiddle demonstrating nodebbs new badges and what they could look like.
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